Expert Secrets
- Free book! What's not to love about that?
- 2Information in the book is taught in more expensive programs in the past
- Lots of success stories behind Expert Secrets and Russell Brunson
- Strategies and Tactics that you can use to implement into your business the next day
- Lots of scripts included that you can use word-for-word
- Maybe not a free book because you got to pay for shipping and handling
- There's quite a bit of up-sells and self promotion in the book
Other Information
Price: Free! (Only Pay For Shipping Costs)
Owners: Russell Brunson
Quick Summary
What It Is: Expert Secrets is a book that teaches you how to get people paying you for your advice. It is by the owner of Clickfunnels, Russell Brunson
Pros: Free of charge (Only Pay For Shipping Costs). Also, you get a book that teaches you a lot of techniques and strategies to get people to pay you for your advice for a low, low cost.
Cons: I would say the only con is that it’s not really FREE as you have to pay shipping costs.
My Recommendation: You should definitely get a copy of the book for free (only pay for shipping) while you still can. The information is this book is easily worth over $2,000+ that Russell charges in other programs. With so many success stories behind the book and the owner, you know that this is the real deal.
Learn How To Get Paid For Your Advice!
Expert Secrets is one of the two books that Russell has written, the other being DotCom Secrets. In Expert Secrets, he touches more on how every day people can share their knowledge and expertise and how they can monetize it.
The book is even backed by popular people such as Tony Robbins (appeared in a video with Russell on the page) and Robert Kiyosaki (Written testimonial plus foreword of the book). This alone tells you how powerful the information in this book really holds.
There’s 3 things that the book can help you with:
- Find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader
- Build a mass movement of people whose lives you can affect
- Make this calling a career, where people will pay you for your advice
In the page below, there are countless of testimonials from people around the world that endorses Russell and Expert Secrets.
Truth to be said, there’s hardly anything to doubt about this book. I have reviewed Russell’s other products such as Clickfunnels, Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp and Funnel Hacks, which all turn out to be great products that serve the various needs of people and entrepreneurs alike.
Expert Secrets is just another platform where he teaches his expertise in a book, and it is really affordable for anyone who is learning to become an expert to become one. Just by implementing the knowledge in the book, there are countless success stories that was because of Russell’s knowledge.
Let’s take a look at the review of the book below to see if it stands up to its credibility.
Analysis of Expert Secrets Book
Even though I am generally positive about this, let’s dig through everything to make sure what we see is what we get so I’ll put this book through the extensive analysis to make sure it is worth every buck you invest in.
1. Is Experts Secret Legit?
For those who are still doubting whether Expert Secrets could potentially help you start earning money or even an extra source of revenue, here’s some facts I found:
- Expert Secrets and Russell are backed by big names such as Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki, which both have founded multi-million dollar companies and are very well known in the personal development speaking space.
Tony Robbins speaking with Russel in the video above
Robert Kiyosaki’s Foreword in Expert Secrets
- Expert Secrets is by Russell Brunson, one of the more well known internet marketer online in the internet marketing space right now.
One fact is that many of these ‘internet marketers’ that say they’re successful online could just be out right scammers, or use black hat tactics in order to earn money.
However, Russell is really credible and has appeared in many news media, podcasts, and basically all over the entrepreneur world. You can take a look at my Clickfunnels review to see his credibility (Point #10)
- Backed by Dozens of Testimonials
In the page below, there are many testimonials that seem to promote Russell and Expert Secrets in a really good light.
However, we know that testimonials can be easily faked. And to tell you the truth, many of them online are, as even video testimonials can be easily bought on Fiverr or other sites for as cheap as $5 per video.
I did an extensive review on some of the testimonials in #6 below to show you if they are credible or not. (Spoiler alert: They are actually legit, even more after I did the research)
- You get the physical book!
Some of you may be wondering if this entire thing is a scam at all, and whether you will get the product after paying.
Let’s just say, it’s definitely a real thing as you can see me holding the book here.
That’s my website in the background, just so you know it’s me. Either way, it may take long if you’re overseas as it took about 2 – 3 weeks for the book to ship to me.
2. Is it Free?
Yes the book is definitely free!
The only thing is that you need to pay for shipping, compared to buying from a site like Amazon where you actually need to pay for the book and shipping.
Do note that it’s $7.95 if you’re in the US, and $14.95 for anywhere in the world, which is still cheaper than getting it off Amazon. There’s a choice to purchase both books (Black Box which includes Expert Secrets and Dotcom Secrets plus other goodies) for an additional price or audio book version, but it is not required unless you really want to!
To be honest, go for the entire black box if you’re serious about improving your business as the price you are paying for the things in there is really worth the money. If not, get just the book first because that’s the main thing!
3. Is The Book Catered For Beginners?
Expert Secrets is made for one thing – to help people find their voice and sell their advice for real money.
So that’s definitely a YES if you are looking to start becoming an expert, even if you’re a nobody in any industry.
For one thing, Expert Secrets teaches you how to find your own audience and get them to trust you to help them achieve a certain result. The first half of the book talks about this in great details and also includes drawings for easy understanding, which you can see below.
Content Page Of Expert Secrets
Explaining Concepts with Drawings in Expert Secrets
I would say this book is catered is anyone, even if you’re not new to business or marketing itself. The information in the book presents itself so simply that you could immediately pick up a new strategy or tactics and start implementing it into your business the very next day.
Common questions from finding your niche to overcoming common objections are all covered in the book as well in great details, and in a simple way that you will definitely get it.
4. What Is Covered In Expert Secrets?
There are four main sections in Expert Secrets with 22 secrets broken down into these sections
Section 1: Creating Your Mass Movement
This section covers on three things: The Charismatic Leader, The Cause and The New Opportunity.
The Charismatic Leader: It’s basically how you can get started, and talking about your ‘niche’ and who you want to serve. It goes into talking about the 3 markets and how to find your niche.
The Cause: It is about showing people a new opportunity and getting people to believe in your cause, and how you can create your true followers for yourself and your brand.
The New Opportunity: Presents your target audience your new opportunity and convince them to jump over to your business and brand.
Section 2: Creating Belief
This section talks about how you create belief, and getting people to believe in what you are doing.
The Big Domino: Mentions about the ONE thing you need to convince people to switch to you.
The Epiphany Bridge: Convincing people to buy you through storytelling and emotions, and getting your customers to understand you and your brand.
The Hero’s Two Journey: Building your personal brand and story that people can easily relate to, and how you can achieve it through storytelling.
The Epiphany Bridge Script: Putting the Epiphany bridge and Hero’s two journey together with a script that goes through step-by-step on implementing your character and story.
False Belief Patterns: Learning how to break false beliefs of your customers and replacing them with new beliefs through your epiphany bridge.
The 3 Secrets: The 3 core beliefs you need to break in order to make any sale, and how it is achieved through your epiphany script.
Section 3: Your Moral Obligation
The Stack Slide: How to present massive value to your customer and what to present to convince your customers easier
The Perfect Webinar: How to sell your services online through a webinar and putting the pieces together from section two to do so.
The One Thing, Breaking And Rebuilding Belief Patterns, The Stack, Trial Close: These sections are basically part of the perfect webinar broken down into smaller sections. The whole section is actually a 66 step-by-step process + closing to selling on a webinar, including scripts for certain sections to help you set the whole system up.
Section 4: The Funnels
The last section shows you how to use Clickfunnels in order to implement all the above strategies to your target market.
5. Are the claims really true?
This book claims quite a few things: From helping people to become experts and find their voice, building a movement of people to follow you and making this a career choice if you choose to do so. They are pretty bold claims, so I went to see if the book does deliver what it promises.
The first place I went to take a look was at Amazon review of the book:
Checking out Amazon review was the first thing. Seeing that they have 85% 5 star reviews and 11% 4 star reviews, and only 4% of 1-2 star reviews, we can say that most people have really enjoyed and found value in the book
Here are three of the more recent positive reviews that talks about the book. Most of the reviews lean towards it being one of the better or best book they have read and have received a lot of value from it.
On the flipside, I checked out the negative reviews as well to see what people don’t like about it:
With the top review saying that it’s a lot of plugging of product, I would say it’s roughly true as the book talks about funnels and Clickfunnels towards the end as Russell talks about how to implement the strategies in his book into Clickfunnels.
The other 2 comment just didn’t make any sense at all with no basis of claims for their comments.
I checked out another website to make a fair comparison, which is why I checked out Goodreads as well to see if the testimonials are the same as Amazon.
As with Amazon, majority is learning towards 4-5 stars with only 6% at 3 stars and below. This generally says that the book is rather enjoyed by most of the people that have actually bought it.
Most of the reviews here are rather the same here as well, people saying that they enjoy it on the top reviews and most people who didn’t like it because of various reasons such as the book being basic for the expert marketers and for personal reasons.
6. Are The Testimonials On The Website Real?
After going through Amazon and Goodreads, we can see there are a lot of 4 to 5 stars. With that being said, let’s dig out a few reviews listed on the Expert Secrets website to see if these are real, legit people.
There is one repeated person that I profiled before in my Funnel Hacks Review, which is Liz Benny that appeared again. Probably as she’s a big advocate for Russell and Clickfunnels! In summary, she’s definitely legit as she has a website and is a social media expert as well:
Let’s check the other reviews just to make sure that the people featured are real. I’ll check to see if they have a website, social media profile, and more to verify that they are in fact real people.
a. Linh Trinh
A quick Google search on this guy and I found a few things:
b. Caleb Maddix
A quick Google Search on Caleb found quite a lot of results as this person is actually a KID entrepreneur (He was 14 years old when first featured!)
- Forbes Article on Caleb
- His Youtube channel
- His Facebook Page
- Inc Article on Caleb
- Here’s a post of him sharing Clickfunnels material
c. Chad Woolner
A quick Google search on this guy and I found a few things:
Conclusion: No doubt that these testimonials aren’t faked. All these people are linked to Russell and Clickfunnels one way or another, either using Clickfunnels or worked with Russell before. These people have a real online presence as well and they’re not just some ‘random’ person online. For such people to give such testimonials, it shows the book really has the power to help any one in any industry.
7. Are There Any Deceptive Elements To Make You Buy Now?
I usually look out for signs that may push people to buy, and to see if they are used legitly. I found a few of such elements on the page itself:
A few things to ask is if it is really free? Well, from what we found out is that you need to pay the shipping fee but that has been stated before you buy.
Is it really limited offer? That’s another question to find out as the offer has been around for a year as of writing this blog post. However, the price has went up for international shipping recently by $2 from $12.95 to $14.95. This shows that if you don’t act soon, the price might actually go up in the future or they may even charge for it.
8. Is Experts Secrets Backed With A Money Back Guarantee?
One thing that I see if a product is good is that they offer a sort of guarantee so that they take the entire risk of the customers. One of which is a money back guarantee that can be seen in the picture below:
There’s a line that says a full refund for shipping if you don’t love the book or even send it back. This shows that they are 100% serious about this book and can back it up.
9. Any support provided for the program?
Since this book is actually free, I don’t really expect that much support for it in the first place.
In fact, most of their ‘support’ is actually done in their Facebook group even for their other programs.
You can join the Clickfunnels Facebook group over here if you want to discuss about Expert Secrets, or the Clickfunnels affiliate group for the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Program.
Final Verdict of Expert Secrets
Name: Expert Secrets
Price: Free! (Only Pay For Shipping Costs)
Owners: Russell Brunson
Highly Recommended If You Want To Earn Money Positioning Yourself As An Expert!
Click Here To Sign Up For Expert Secrets
My Final Thoughts
What I love about Expert Secrets
- Free book! What’s not to love about that?
- Information in the book is taught in more expensive programs in the past
- Lots of success stories behind Expert Secrets and Russell Brunson
- Strategies and Tactics that you can use to implement into your business the next day
- Lots of scripts included that you can use word-for-word.
What I did not like about Expert Secrets
- Maybe not a free book because you got to pay for shipping
- There’s quite a bit of up-sells and self promotion in the book
Expert Secrets is one of the better books that I have read, even though there are certain downsides to it. However for its price point, I have definitely gotten way more value out of it than what I paid for.
The shipping cost is really negligable as the advice in the book can easily make you 5 to 6 figures if you follow it step by step, as seen by the countless testimonials that rave about the book and Russell.
This has also the first book that I have reviewed because I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and decided that more people should know about it, and what it contains first hand.
Expert Secrets is only one of the few programs by Russell Brunson, which introduces his other programs such as Clickfunnels to the everyday user and how they can benefit from it.
If you’re looking for a way to make money online, I suggest getting this book plus signing up for the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp where you can learn how to make money selling their product.
If you’re already in business, definitely check out Clickfunnels and one of Russell’s best packaged product Funnel Hacks and see how Funnels can improve your business!
Clickfunnels is one of the programs that help my business automate a lot of stuff, and makes everything really simple. However, I first started making money with a website called Wealthy Affiliate and recommend most people who have no idea where to start first to start here.
Check Out My #1 Recommended Money Making Program
So what do you think about Expert Secrets? Will you get a copy of the book or already have a copy?

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