Quick Summary
Website: www.affiliatebootcamp.com
Costs: FREEOwner: Russell Brunson
This training was made for newbies and people who want to make money promoting Clickfunnels product, a software company.
The training may be free, but there are quite a bit of upsells inside this training program such as paying for Clickfunnels.
With a wide range of products and services, the potential to earn is unlimited. Especially with their super car program that pays you extra once you bring in 100 and 200 affiliate, it is very enticing for people to promote this program.
Clickfunnels and its program has been around since 2014. Russell Brunson is also a well known name in the digital marketing and internet marketing world.
This training is free! However, there are quite a few up sells that you may need to pay for it access the full potential of this training.
Easy To Use
The trainings are easy to consume, and are created by experts who achieved 2CC (>$1m revenue using Clickfunnels). These are sent to your email and Facebook Messanger daily.
Earning Potential
The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program has paid out over $52 million in total, with $22 million in 2018. There are many products you can sell.
- FREE TO SIGN UPAll you need is input your email to begin
- WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS TO PROMOTEYou can choose to promote their books, software, trainings and even more!
- UNLIMITED EARNING POTENTIALClickfunnels has their ‘sticky cooky’ which allow you to earn from the same customer over and over, even if they buy another product at a different time.
- TRAINING FROM EXPERTSThese trainings are by experts who achieve the 2CC Award, making over $1m with Clickfunnels. With 15 experts giving ideas, you’ll definitely be able to make money!
- IMMEDIATE UPSELLWhile the training is free, signing up for this immediately brings you to an upsell for $100.
- EXTRA ‘HIDDEN’ COSTSThese training requires you to use Clickfunnels, which costs $97/month on the minimum.
- LACK OF SUPPORTThere isn’t much support for this program unless you buy their up sell which provides accountability and more training.
- TIME CONSUMINGWith 15 experts sharing their secrets, each video is at least 20 minutes. This requires you to watch through the trainings to make sure you aren’t wasting money!
Overall Rating
Clickfunnels Bootcamp is a good start to start learning how to make money online from experts. For sure, it’s 100% Legit! You can sign up to get free training, then decide if you want to continue to sign up for the one funnel away challenge to continue your journey. I recommend this training as the Clickfunnels affiliate program is really powerful and rewarding if you are able to promote it well.
Click Here To Sign Up For Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
100 Days To Turn This Hobby Into A Full Time Career?
This program was designed to promote Clickfunnels, Russell’s main product, and to help people promote the program and earn affiliate commissions as a result of it.
The interesting thing about this program is that it tries to lay out a 100 day plan that people can try themselves in order to achieve a full time career with this affiliate program. Sounds like a pretty tall order to me!
In order to achieve this, he gathered various experts to share their secrets of how they would do it if they had to start from scratch with no money, no list, no contacts.
These people are those who has achieved the 2CC award (2 Comma club), which are people who achieve at least $1M of sales through Clickfunnels.
This new affiliate bootcamp is the predecessor of the old affiliate bootcamp, and replaced it somewhere in 2018 as the old affiliate bootcamp was pretty outdated in terms of content and strategies.
With rewards like earning payments towards your next car when you hit 100 affiliates and a lot of bonuses, it really does sound like a rewarding program? But does it really work?
Let’s explore inside the program and find out more.
What Does Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Offer?
After signing up for this, you’ll immediately be given access to 4 different videos of experts sharing their strategies.
It starts with Russell Brunson sharing his strategies on how he would make money. This video is about 30 minutes long and goes into the basics of funnels as well.
The other 3 experts are Steve J. Larson, Dave Gambril, and Rachel Pedersen for day 1 as well. The content are anywhere from 20+ minutes to 50+ minutes for these videos.
Access to the other days are restricted until the next day when an email is sent, and you will have access to another 4 videos.
Once the day is over, access to previous day content are not available anymore. I wasn’t able to go back to day 1 content but could only view the day 2 videos when I reached it.
Day 2 features Jim Edwards, Greg Jeffries, Jacob Caris and Dana Derricks.
Day 3 features Joe Marfoglio, Spencer Mecham, Marley Baird and JR Rivas
Day 4 features Josh Rhodes, Tyler S. Clark, Billy Gene and Peng Joon.
A total of 16 experts over the 4 days with about 2-3 hour of content per day total. After the last day, you are unable to view anymore videos and are directed straight to the one funnel away upsell where you can purchase for $100
Let’s go to a detailed analysis.
Analysis of Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
From my observation, this is very different from the old affiliate bootcamp which was more of a membership website and you can repeatedly go back to view the training again.This one is more of a immersion training where you soak up as much as you can and then execute the training. If you don’t know how, that’s where their upsell comes in.
1. Is The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program Legit?
On first glance, to be able to build a full time income in just 100 days may seem too good to be true, especially for a newbie who has no knowledge in this at all.
However this program does not promote itself as a get-rich scheme where you click one button, do nothing and earn thousands of dollars. In fact, you need to push many buttons, test the results, and do it again until you really do make thousand of dollars which could take months.
The main aim of the program is to actually get people to promote Clickfunnels, and in return paying people who promote a sum of money. It’s crazy that they paid out over $52 million in affiliate commissions ever since they launched!
2. Is It Really Free? What Upsells Are There?
The answer is both YES and NO.
YES – The Clickfunnels Affiliate bootcamp training is really free. You don’t need to input any credit card details to begin. Just your name and email and you are ready to begin. The videos itself really have a lot of value that can easily help you make money if you know what to do.
NO – One of the really apparent upsells is the One Funnel Away (OFA) challenge. This costs a one time charge of $100. You can pay another $19.95 for a physical box containing more goodies that will help you alongside your OFA challenge.
Other things you may need are:
- Clickfunnels software: If you follow through with OFA, you’ll need a Clickfunnels account that starts at $97/month. There’s a 14 day free trial before you make your first payment anyway.
- Facebook Ads: One of the fastest way to earn, but fastest way to lose as well. Depends on whose strategy you are following! You can get started with $5 a day, but to really generate results require you to spend more.
- Autoresponder (Aweber/mailchimp): This is to help you follow up with your customers. Another $20+/month.
There are many other upsells as well, but the most necessary costs that you should know is just for the OFA training and the other costs I listed above.
Personal experience of having gone through the OFA challenge myself, I find that it really does have everything that’s needed – tons of actionable steps, support and training for 30 days that can really help you start making money in 30 days.
3. What Is Clickfunnels? What’s a funnel?
To simply put, funnels are a series of pages that helps guide a potential customer to make certain decisions such as buying a product or inputting their personal details.
Clickfunnels is a program that builds such funnels, and is the main program for Russell Brunson. The whole point of the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp and the OFA is so that you can learn how to promote a product or service through a funnel, and potentially selling their software to more people while earning a commission.
Russell Brunson also have many other program under the Clickfunnels family, such as the Dotcom Secrets/Expert Secrets book, Funnel Builder Secrets, or even Funnel Scripts. You can view all of Clickfunnels products here.
4. Is This Training For Newbies?
The Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp and even the OFA upsell were designed for complete newbies who never did this before come in and start making money in 30 days.
All the training inside this program were made so that newbies could easily grasp the concepts quickly and start implementing these knowledge. However, some of these training can be quite valuable for non-newbies and veterans.
Even for me.. watching the videos sparked a lot of new ideas for me! As such, I would say this training is suitable for both newbies and veterans alike
5. What Does The Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Cover?
As covered before, you’ll get access to 16 different experts on how they would build a full time income in 100 days. Each expert has a different strategy to go about it as you can see in the pictures below.
After watching the videos, I realize a lot of these strategies help you build your own online business as well while being an affiliate for Clickfunnels if you choose to become one.
6. Who Is Behind The Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp?
As mentioned quite a few times already, theperson who is behind all this is a man called Russell Brunson, who owns the company Etison LLC. He’s the main person and also the owner of Clickfunnels.
Like any other review, I want to see how credible this guy is, so let’s take a look at a few things:
Google Search: A quick google search on Russell shows quite a lot, including an ad, his books, his website and also his networth!
Social Media: He has a personal Facebook page as well which you can view right here. His twitter page is here. With over 638k fans on Facebook and 33.9k followers on twitter, it says something about his credibility online!
Online and Public Presence: Russell has been in the scene for a really long time now, and has appeared in many websites and news sites as well too. Even a TV show actually.
For one, Russell Brunson is definitely credible and not a ‘nobody’ in the internet marketing world. As far as I can see, there is no shady business behind Russell.
7. Can You Really Earn From This Program?
The main thing about this program is to help anyone who is willing to go through the training to make a full time income promoting for Clickfunnels.
So the answer is YES for sure.
Clickfunnels has a wide range of products from books, trainings, softwares and more. The One Funnel Away challenge is just ONE of the many trainings Clickfunnels have to offer.
If you are wondering if this is like a MLM, it is definitely not. You are not referring people to get them to refer more people, but getting people to actually USE the products that they buy. You also don’t earn multi-tier commissions other than the people you refer too.
It is more of affiliate marketing where you help sell someone else’s product, and earn a small commission when you manage to do so. As Clickfunnels has paid out millions already, this is definitely one of the better programs out there.
The clickfunnels affiliate program rewards you up to 30% commission when you sign up, and 40% if you manage to hit certain requirements. You can easily earn hundreds or even thousands on one of their most expensive products so the possibilities are there!
Below is the picture of one of my week’s earning promoting for Clickfunnels. ONE WEEK!
8. Is There Any Support Provided?
This is one of the main things I look out for in any training. With no support, it is impossible to learn properly. There must be some sort of help in order to progress.
The Clickfunnels Affiliate Program actually has a Facebook page that you can join here.
However besides this Facebook group, there doesn’t seem to have anymore support anymore provided.
This is where the One Funnel Away challenge comes in as it provides the support, training and accountability for newbies to get started. In short, you need to pay the $100 in order to get some sort of support.
I definitely would have like some sort of outlet for people who have questions regarding the affiliate bootcamp, but sadly this is lacking!
Final Verdict Of Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
Name: Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
Price: FREE
Owner: Russell Brunson
I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to learn how to make an extra income wth Clickfunnels, newbies and veterans alike. Clickfunnels have great training, great products and a really great earning opportunity!
Click Here To Sign Up For Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
My Final Thoughts
- Free to sign up
- Wide range of products to promote with Clickfunnels
- Unlimited earning potential
- Training from experts who achieved more than $1m in sales through funnels
- Immediate Upsell
- Extra ‘Hidden’ Costs
- Lack of Support
- Time Consuming
As a person who uses Clickfunnels and went through quite a lot of their training, I rate most of their stuff quite highly. As for this program, these are a few reasons why:
- Solid strategies by REAL experts. These experts earn millions through the use of Clickfunnels
- NOT A SCAM. There are too many BS programs and scams preying on people who want to get rich quickly. This is not one of such programs.
- Training & Platform. The training helps you and give you a platform to start earning money, and products to promote should you choose to do so.
If you’re still thinking whether to join this program or not, I would just say hop in and learn the materials first as this program is entirely free.
Once you gone through the 4 days, determine if you love to follow up your training with the One Funnel Away challenge. This is one challenge I highly recommend you to pick up if you are serious in continuing.
I would say for the One Funnel away challenge, look at it as an investment for learning some great life skills that can make you serious cash.
Something like this picture below when I hit my first 5 figures in 2018:
If you are constantly looking for free stuff, that’s fine. The Clickfunnels affiliate bootcamp is one such program to dip your toes in the pool to see if you are interested
But once you find a solid program like One Funnel Away that can potentially make you money, invest money into it and start working at it quickly. You’ll only take it seriously when you have a stake in it (Speaking from personal experience lol).
Click the blue button to sign up for a free account today!
Click Here To Sign Up For Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp
Alternatively, you can also check out my other highly recommended program, Wealthy Affiliate that teaches you how to make money blogging your passions by clicking the button below as well.
Check Out My #1 Recommended Money Making Program

Thanks for this useful information