Name: Paid Social Media Jobs
Price: $27 (With investment costs)
Owners: Unknown
Rating: 50/100
Paid Social Media Jobs wants to offer you jobs that involve helping companies with their social media efforts. This review goes in depth to find out if these ‘jobs’ are legit or not and if this website can really help you make an income.
Getting Paid To chat on Facebook?
When I first loaded up this website, I noticed that they are promoting this as ‘easy to do’ tasks that anyone without experience can do.
All you all you need to do is
“Get paid to do simple tasks like posting status updates, uploading videos or replying to comments!”
“Get paid to mess around on Facebook”
But is it really that easy? Why hasn’t I known about this awesome program? It sounds like I can just randomly scroll through my Facebook feed and get money!
Let’s check out if this program actually works and makes money.
What Do They Offer?
Paid Social Media Jobs promises to offer jobs to its members and require members from your country. Below is a screenshot of various jobs that they provide.
If it works like many other websites, they are like the middleman which offer to connect users who want to make money with employers looking for people to do a certain service.
However, does this system works? Can you really get employed by other companies? Let’s check out the full review below.
Analysis of Paid Social Media Jobs
1. It looks too easy and too good to be true
This website claims to pay you just to spend time on Facebook or Twitter, paying you up to $20 to $30 an hour to do stuff like:
- Update Facebook Status
- Upload Youtube Videos
- Tweeting Special Offers and Promotions
- Liking and commenting Youtube videos
To be honest, I have not seen anyone paying that high for doing such basic stuff on Facebook. From what I gathered from the website, clients are paying you to do these social media tasks for them.
Based on my experience as a social media consultant for various businesses in Singapore, I can tell you that making money from social media is actually possible.
BUT – It is not as easy as Paid Social Media Jobs claim it to be. You actually need experience and training beforehand that takes awhile for you to get the hang of it before you can actually start making money from these clients.
If you were a client, would you outsource your brand’s reputation to a complete newbie?
Also, the job scope of such jobs usually is far more than just posting on Facebook or tweeting. It usually involves managing a Facebook page or Twitter account, helping to run ads on social media platforms and helping businesses to expand their audience reach.
You usually require a track record too since you usually have the brand’s reputation on the line, so I really doubt they would trust anyone that is completely new to doing this at all. Making money from day 1 is literally impossible unless you have some basic experience before hand.
2. Paying to get a job online
This is one of the biggest NO-NOs on the internet, especially if the platform promises you to provide you job opportunities. Work at home opportunities are usually huge scams, especially if there is a membership fee involved. There are a lot of free opportunities out there that can make you money online for a start.
From my experience too, most work at home opportunities are usually scams. They usually claim that the money they need is to maintain the system and the website. Any legit work at home opportunity usually come free and don’t ask you for any membership fee at all, but take a small commission from each transaction (Such as microworkers or Fiverr).
If you are actually paying for something, you need to be able to answer these questions first:
- What is the opportunity providing you exactly?
- Why do they need the money?
- Is there a free option?
A good sign to see if it’s a scam if they keep giving you discounts, making it time exclusive (eg. within 24 hours), country specific discounts (discounts given if you are from a certain country!)
Like what I mentioned in my checklist: Don’t pay if you do not know what you are getting. If the program offers you a free option, test that out first before making a verdict whether to purchase and proceed.
3. Bonuses doesn’t even make sense at all
When a program offer bonuses when you join, it is usually related to the program so that you can use these information to help you perform better.
But however when you list more opportunities and getting paid to drive and paid to read emails, it becomes really redundant. To me, it seems like they are just trying to shove more ‘money making opportunities’ to newbies to entice them that they can make money from multiple sources which is usually not the case.
Let me give you some FREE alternatives right here:
1) Get Paid To Drive: Uber is a great way to start, and you can sign up an account here.
2) Get Paid To Write: I really doubt there’s any simple jobs. Typing jobs online that are legit pays you pathetic amount ($0.01 for 100 words or something). You can learn how to write and advertise your services on freelancing websites like Fiverr and Upwork. You can also learn how to blog with my #1 recommended program.
4. Video looks suspicious
You will regularly get the pop ups on the website (which is REALLY annoying after it pop up every 30 seconds or so) which tells you that they are looking for members from your country.
However, it doesn’t seem to be working well since it says United States when I am in Singapore. When I turned on my VPN to Australia, it changed to Japan.
There is a video on this page after clicking the ‘Yes! Let Me In’ button which is right at this link: (Copy and paste on your browser)
Once you enter the website, you will notice REAL reviews by REAL members. Watch through the video and tell me how many times they said No real person will keep repeating the phrase in a review and just rave about it that it seem really fake if you notice it carefully.
Below, you will notice a news video. From a beginner’s point of view, it does seem very legit because the video advertise the website and talks about it, being the forefront from the very beginning.
It states that the video was once ‘live’ and ‘breaking news’. I really doubt such a video would be breaking news at all on any major news network. However, I would say the video is pretty well done, considering you can easily get people from places like Fiverr to do a commentary and review of your website or product fairly easily for a small amount of money.
What this website did was probably grabbing a few videos, stringing it together to make it sound like an actual news story. However, you should be aware that such videos can be easily ‘made up’ and for a really cheap cost. This is also same for the ‘real reviews’.
What others are saying
1. Reviewopedia
To reinforce my review, rob here mentions that no respectable website spams. This is because when they first launched in 2011, they started to spam through blogs and emails to advertise this ‘money making opportunity’.
Paid Social Media Jobs has been around for a long time, and they used to charge for a $1 trial, followed by $77 for the main program which is what is stated in the review too.
One more thing that is noted in the review is that Paid Social Media Jobs shares your contact details to third party for advertising purpose – Yikes!
2. Trade Complaint
This review is by a user called Mick and is completely unedited. From what I can see, he tried to claim back his money from the 60 days money guarantee but was unable too. Beware of such guarantees as they may not honor it at all!
3. Scamxposer
This comes from the time when they still charge a $1 trial for 3 days. Apparently, David here was charged the full amount so he decided to check out the website job listing and apparently the companies have ridiculous requirements for you to achieve. Also, the sample jobs are really just samples which means it is just made up to entice people to sign up.
This website has one of the most unbiased reviews on the internet, which is similar to mine. Inside this website, Nathaniel mentioned how this is just a Fiverr clone. This is one of the pictures that he took that show how the job portal actually look like.
Photo Credits: One More Cup Of Coffee
His review on this website is pretty spot on too. There are some great videos that get you thinking on how to start making online through this method. However there is one flaw which he mentions here
There is no direction given on the site. You are not put through any kind of training on how to actually manage someone’s account, or shown any examples. The product you are paying for is essentially the jobs board, and the videos giving you some broad ideas of what you can do as a social media manager. For example, it says you can tweet for someone. If you have never used twitter before, you will need to find other resources to learn how to use it.
Final Verdict of Paid Social Media Jobs
Name: Paid Social Media Jobs
Price: $27
Owners: Unknown
My Final Thoughts
What I love about Paid Social Media Jobs
- Technically not a scam and could actually work.
- You could actually earn money from their job portal
What I did not like about Paid Social Media Jobs
- It has been around for awhile and spamming people’s blogs and email about this opportunity
- They make it look too easy for it to work
- Require an upfront fee to access their jobs portal
Paid Social Media Jobs is technically not a scam in my opinion as it seems like it actually works. However, it seems like a low quality product as there isn’t much training and support required for a newbie to really take off in such a program.
In my opinion too, what I really disliked is how they hype up the program making it look like you don’t need any experience to make an income. They start off the page with a typical story about a mom going into debt and the program becomes their magic wand out of the problem. This is also very deceiving.
True legit programs that actually make you money isn’t that easy really – You need to learn and build up your experience. Same thing for actually doing social media work and actually getting clients to hire you.
In my personal experience, it took me at least a year of learning Facebook and practising on my own before I started getting clients to pay me for their social media marketing services.
The bottom line is: If the money seems too good to be true, it usually is. There is no easy money, and everything requires you to learn the system first before the money actually comes.
If you are still looking for a legit program, I want to help you with an actual legit program that helped me to start making money online and offline. It was also the thing that help me start out my own social media marketing business offline making me 4 figure income monthly too.
This program is called Wealthy Affiliate, and I still stick to it for almost 3 years as writing this post now. Why not check it out below and learn more?
Check Out My #1 Recommended Money Making Program
So what do you think about Paid Social Media Jobs? Have you signed up for it before?

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